Dub Gallery
Gallery Dub is a unique private gallery of modern art located in the scenic town on Pelhrimov, Czech republic. The gallery focuses on current Slovakian art.
Our philosophy is quality over quantity and we feel it is very important to have maximum personal contact with all our represented artists and collectors. It is for this reason that Gallery Dub has been set up with a small number of artists and who's numbers will, over time, steadily increase. The scheme of the gallery aims to set up a platform for Czech and Slovakian artists who have emerged in the last few years in the medium of painting and drawing.
The thought of establishing the gallery in Pelhrimov was influenced by the intimate nature of the town and its ideal strategic position. Pelhrimov is located near the major cities of Czech republic, in just over an hour one can reach Prague, Brno and Ceske budejovice. It allows us quick access to our clients and helps us maintain contact with the cultural hub of the major art centres.
Professional guarantee
Our gallery collaborates closely with the Czech and Slovakian art theorists Mgr. Petr Vaňous Ph.D. and the long standing cultural manager, curator and lecturer on contemporary art Mgr. Diana Majdakova.
Quality art
The artists and their works are selected in close collaboration with our academic guarantors.
Firstly the position of the artist within the Czech and Slovakian art scene is considered, the artists exhibition portfolio and publications for their creative output are also assessed. The artworks are considered according to their potential growth on the art market and investment value. equally important for Gallery Dub, however, is the aesthetic and artistic strength of the work. We provide potential collectors with the chance to obtain a valuable artwork which will brings prestige to any interior space.
Price guarantee
People are often sceptical about the pricing of artworks in the gallery setting. They assume the artworks to be necessary overpriced and prefer therefore to deal directly with the artist. At gallery Dub we are aware that collectors do not want to pay more than is necessary. Our prices are set in collaboration with the artist and are not manipulated later as is the case in studio and auction sales. In Gallery Dub you will always receive the work for its current and best price.
The galleries revenue is used for representing the artist and developing their name further on the Czech, Slovakian and international art market.
Individual approach
Gallery Dub wants every visitor, be it collector, student or a member of the general public, to feel welcome and the experience to be an enriching one. Personal contact with every visitor is important for us, and we are always happy to promote a dialogue within the gallery space over a cup of coffee or tea. We are happy to answer any questions, to suggest works for an expanding collection, to suggest in decorating a wall or simply provide a tour of the exhibition. We will outline the curatorial character of the installation, and why we consider the works on show to be the best that the Czech and Slovakian painting scene has to offer.
The gallery works in close collaboration withBMW Stratos auto which provides transport for all our clients in their luxary vehicles.